The following information is commonly required for completed grant application forms.
All correspondence regarding contractual matters:
Lori Byrd, MS
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration & Research Compliance (SPARC)
Drake University
228 Howard Hall
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Phone: 515-271-3717
Fax: 515-271-4067
Mail grant payments to:
Suzanne Stewart, Senior Grants Accountant
Sponsored Programs Administration & Research Compliance (SPARC)
Drake University
230 Howard Hall
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Phone: 515-271-3907
Fax: 515-271-4067
Authorized Signatory:
Lori Byrd, MS Director, Sponsored Programs Administration & Research Compliance (SPARC)
Drake University
228 Howard Hall
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Phone: 515-271-3717
Fax: 515-271-4067
Type: Private Institution of Higher Education
Cognizant Federal Agency:
Division of Cost Allocation
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Arif Karim, Director
1301 Young Street, Room 732
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-767-3261
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement Date: 8/3/2022
2024-25 Operational Budget: $132,553,416
Board of Trustees: Board of Trustees
W-9 Form: (To be signed by Accounting)
DUNS#: 041103730
SAMS Unique Entity Identifier: CMXGBGR1SAK1
FEIN (Federal Tax ID): 42-0680460
Cage Code: 1P6H0
County: Polk
Congressional District: IA-003
Year of Incorporation: 1881
Animal Welfare Assurance#: A3577-01
Animal Welfare Act#: 42-R-005
Human Subjects Assurance#: IRB00005929
IORG#: 0004963
FWA#: 00011321
Tax Exemption Letter: Drake Tax Exempt Status
Copy of Most Recent Audit: Audit Report FY24
Copy of 990: Form 990
Federal Mileage Reimbursement Rate for 2024: $0.67*
*Mileage reimbursement rates may vary based on award. Please check award documentation.
Predetermined On-campus: 36.7% MTDC
Predetermined Off-campus: 14.9% MTDC
MTDC Base excludes equipment, capital expenditures, patient care, tuition remission, rent, scholarships, and fellowships as well as the portion of each subgrant and subcontract in excess of $25,000
Fringe Benefit Rates FY24:
Full-time Rate: 28.3%
Faculty Summer Stipends & Part-time Rate: 7.4%
Students Not Enrolled in Classes Rate: 7.65%
Below is a link to the Student Employment Toolkit. You will find information on the hiring process, guidelines on student worker classification and compensation, and the approval process of online timesheets.
Student Employment - Supervisor's Toolkit